Our Impact

A Unique Transdisciplinary Platform

Future Earth Australia (FEA) connects top Australian sustainability research organisations, and is uniquely placed as an independent, cross-sector, transdisciplinary platform.  

Our strength is in research impact and science diplomacy.  

Our Impact 

  • National engagement and influence 

  • International engagement and collaborations 

  • Supporting Early Career Researchers and Professionals (ECRPs) 


“This is a critical decade for action on climate change and there is no comparable network, organisation, or research centre in this country which pursues sustainable, just, and regenerative futures in the manner of Future Earth Australia.” - Wendy Steele and Jemma Purandare. 


FEA demonstrates national engagement and influence through our three national strategies. These strategies elevate the importance of transdisciplinary work in meeting Australia’s challenges.  

Our access to the Belmont Forum as the current Australian member supports our international influence and research impact. We support Future Earth in their vision to build and mobilise networks that facilitate international collaboration and turn knowledge into action.  

FEA’s Early Career Researcher and Professional (ECRP) Program focuses on advancing emerging perspectives in sustainability. We provide a point of difference from university early-career researcher networks by bridging academic, government, and private sectors for mentorships, collaborations, and recruitment opportunities.  

We are a key knowledge broker and trusted source of expertise for the Australian Academy of Science. 


National Strategy for Just Adaptation

The National Strategy for Just Adaptation is a part of our Reimaging Climate Change Adaptation Initiative.

Sustainable Oceans and Coasts Strategy

A 10 Year National Strategy to protect our delicate marine ecosystems.

Sustainable Cities and Regions 10 Year Strategy

Our Sustainable Cities and Regions Strategy provides a blueprint for harmony between urban policy and environment. This strategy was recently updated.

Early Career Researcher and Professionals Program (ECRP)

Our ECRP program recognises that emerging scientists, researchers and knowledge holders are the future of sustainability. We support ECRPs through a range of programs.


Future Earth Australia conducts national engagement and influence through our national strategies. They combine a wide range of environmental research and co-create knowledge to address Australia’s upcoming challenges.  

We put our strategies forward to government and industry sectors to drive change. This includes Academy submissions to national policies, plans, and legislation, as well as global research priorities and inputs through Future Earth and the International Science Council. 

Our facilitation has produced three national strategies.  

See the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan for more information about our direction.  


National Strategy for Just Adaptation 

The National Strategy for Just Adaptation is a part of our Reimaging Climate Change Adaptation Initiative. The strategy creates a blueprint for how decision makers, governments and communities can embed a justice framework in their work towards environmental wellbeing. Just Adaptation is key to ensure that groups are not further marginalised under the global climate crisis. This contributes to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and social security.  


Sustainable Oceans and Coasts Strategy 

Australian oceans and coasts are threatened by fragmented management of ecological and social services. Future Earth Australia’s strategy proposes an Ocean and Coastal Systems Transformation 10-year strategy, outlining clear, actionable strategies for achieving healthy and resilient marine environments.  


Sustainable Cities and Regions Strategy 

The Sustainable Cities and Regions 10-Year Strategy was published in 2019 as a cross-sectoral, national plan for achieving sustainable cities and communities across Australia. The Strategy has since undergone a major 2024 Update to account for the ongoing effects of COVID-19 and extreme weather events in urban spaces. The update utilised the original city and regional based workshops conducted across 2018-19, enhanced by a fresh round of consultation across 2023-24.